Important agreement between Cycling Team Friuli-Victorious and Maddalena S.p.A, one of the most important international companies in the water metering and thermal energy metering instruments field. Founded in 1919, the company has never stopped developing its organizational structure and its range of domestic and large user meters to meet the demands of the main water utilities worldwide.
The agreement was signed at the Povoletto (Ud) plant, which boasts the highest production capacity in Europe with more than 3 million instruments per year, for a complete range of smart meters, with mechanical and electronic registers, in compliance with the requirements of the European Energy Efficiency Directive.
Maddalena S.p.A. is particularly attentive to sustainable development issues, both with products that measure and reduce the waste of water, the planet’s most precious resource, and with direct actions on the ground.
The new partnership with CTF Victorious goes in this direction: support for cycling (a green sport par excellence) and the exchange of experiences with Friulian technicians to define actions that encourage the increasing use of bicycles in the home-work commute. A good practice, the latter, which produces benefits through physical activity and contributes to the company’s Sustainability Report.

Giovanni Maddalena, one of the owners of Maddalena, said, “Supporting local realities such as the Cycling Team Friuli-Victorious, which is gaining ground nationally and internationally with important successes, and promoting healthy physical activity are an integral part of Maddalena S.p.A’s sustainability goals“. Furthermore, the entrepreneur added: “The agreement that has just been signed takes the form of a partnership characterized by values that our company and CTF Victorious have in common: constant search for improvement, passion for innovation and attention to people.”
Roberto Bressan, President of Cycling Team Friuli-Victorious, said, “We are very pleased with this partnership that unites Maddalena S.p.A and CTF Victorious. Two champions of the territory, from an industrial and sporting point of view, excellences born in Friuli and able to establish themselves worldwide, who combine results with the desire to work in a sustainable way, attentive to the environment, to best preserve the territory that hosts us. We are confident that this agreement will be able to help both to spread virtuous values and behaviors for the environment and sustainable development of Friuli Venezia Giulia.“
This project helps Maddalena S.p.A.
contribute to the 2030 Agenda Goals