Her name is Catia Peressutti and she is a student enrolled in the 4th year of the Linguistic High School “Caterina Percoto” of Udine: the winner of the G.B. Maddalena Scholarship.
The call, launched in 2019 on the company’s centenary, with the aim of contributing concretely to the cultural and professional growth of future generations, is reserved for the children of company employees who attend high school and intend to enroll at the University. A truly unique opportunity worth 10,000€.
“My intention is to continue my studies and to enroll in the bachelor’s degree of Foreign Languages and Literatures at the University of Udine” said Catia during the award ceremony that took place on Friday 18 June at the terrace of Maddalena S.p.A. in Povoletto. “Thanks to the Maddalena Family who believe in education and its importance and have given me the opportunity to continue my studies and my university training with extra help. I am very happy and I know for sure that I will use this opportunity to the fullest and wisely”.
Teacher Renata Londero, Coordinator of the Courses of Languages and Cultural Mediation of the University of Udine, congratulated the award winner and thanked Clara and Franco Maddalena for their contribution to the institution given by the initiative for which she expressed “great satisfaction”.
This action confirms Maddalena Spa’s attention once again to the path of social responsibility undertaken and underlines the concrete contribution towards Objective 4 of the 2030 Agenda: to provide quality, fair and inclusive education, and learning opportunities for all. Quality education is in fact the basis for improving people’s lives and achieving Sustainable Development.
he Mayor of Povoletto, Giuliano Castenetto, praised the collaborations between the territory, schools, universities, and industry. “Maddalena Spa cares about the development of the skills – technical and professional – of young people and demonstrates this concretely through its work with repercussions in local communities. Not only has he supported together with the Municipality of Povoletto the School and Environment project aimed at the youngest, but he also reiterates it today through the attribution of this important contribution”
The G.B. Maddalena scholarship will be renewed every three years and will go to finance first-level university degree courses for boys and girls who will have the merit requirements provided for in the competition announcement.
Messaggero Veneto
Il Friuli
This project helps Maddalena S.p.A.
contribute to the 2030 Agenda Goals